Solar Rebate Updates
A weekly digest of energy news & other industry developments brought to you by the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA). |

Energy Fix - Week 5
#Budget2015 - Energy Highlights
South African finance minister Nhlanhla Nene presented his medium-term budget speech in Parliament on Wednesday. We summarise some of the key energy-related points below:

- The tax incentive for energy efficiency will more than double from 45c/kWh to 95c/kWh and will be extended to co-generation projects.
- The electricity levy will increase from the current 3.5c/kWh to 5.5c/kWh in order to fund the efficiency tax incentive until such time as a carbon tax is introduced. The increased levy will raise an additional R3.7 billion per year.
- A draft carbon tax bill will be introduced later this year for a further round of public consultation before a carbon tax is introduced in 2016.
- Government is considering accelerated depreciation for solar energy installations.
- Government’s R23 billion aid package to Eskom was re-affirmed and will be paid in two tranches of R10 billion around June and R13 billion before the end of the year.
- Over R18 billion will be spent to connect 875 000 households to the grid or to receive off-grid electricity.
Rebate: Administrative Frustrations Persist
Solar water heating system installers are still experiencing frustrations with some of the rebate programme's administrative processes. We have no further information on this except that we have been assured that they will be resolved. |

Short Courses
Stellenbosch University will present a number of short courses in renewable and sustainable energy studies to enhance the capacity in the country to implement projects in this area. These courses form part of the taught master programmes but each module’s week of contact is also registered with ECSA so that participants from industry can typically earn 4.0 CPD points in category 1. For more details, download the programme flyer. |

Ongoing research and development in the wave and tidal sector has brought the industry into the beginnings of commercial development. However, it will be years before we start seeing a device to harness the power of the tides and waves off every coast. Read more >> |